Sunday, 15 June 2014

Todays' Youth

The XYZ generation

Young, Wild and Free, is the motto we all roll with lately. We are living our lives for today, making all reckless decision without a consideration for tomorrow. We are so blinded by the Hollywood glamour, the Americanised society that we all feel so accustomed to. When one is different from the rest, they are automatically outcast as they represent the older generation with no cool acronyms to define their existence. We are the XYZ generation, the generation, which feel that the world owes them, that they are the perfect gift to humanity.

In today’s society, we are faced with so many challenges, such as globalisation, the so-called cool factor. We have the urgency of belonging, and fear of being ostracised by our peers. We fall into so many norms that defeat the purpose of individuality, yet we strive so hard to be unique. Society has deemed to call us the lost generation because at time we fall into things that the older generation see as meaningless. We have lost so many of our cultural knowledge, because we have been exposed too so much western customs. We are the so-called lost generation for we are so much different to the youth of our past. Have society ever wondered that once upon a time they were also known as the lost generation.

The XYZ generation, the so-called liberated ones, so opinionated that our parents curse the day the some laws were passed. Where reprimanding your child has become a criminal offence. Parents have become so scared of their kids that they live it to the modernised societal norms to take care of them. A scary factor, that this generation is losing all cultural values that have been preserved for so many years to keep the originality of where we come from. Most individuals within this generation have ignored their cultures and traditions, as they seem not as civilised as the western society is. 

How are we as the youth of today going to be remembered by the youth of tomorrow, what legacy do we uphold within our name.

“The so called lost generation”
T-Angelz Creations  
By: T. Sibiya

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